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A recent poll of Arizona voters finds strong support for comprehensive federal protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans. Voters also believe that protecting Americans from discrimination should be a top priority for Congress, even more so than getting COVID under control.  They are more likely to vote for a U.S. Senator who takes on a leadership role to pass a bipartisan compromise to protect LGBT rights.  While individual aspects of the Equality Act were popular, the Equality Act itself was not well known.

Key Findings 

  • Arizona voters strongly support federal protections for LGBT Americans. Protections focused on preventing gay and transgender people from being fired due to their sexual orientation or gender identity (64% more likely to support) and protecting equal access to medical and mental health services for gay and transgender people (61% more likely) are the most popular components of the Equality Act. For independent voters, protections for LGBT workers and employees were the most compelling (61%). Eviction protections, anti-bullying policies, and banning social safety net programs from denying services based on someone's sexual orientation or gender identity were also extremely popular (59% more likely).


Support for Federal LGBT Protections

More Likely

Less Likely


Protects gay and transgender people from being fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity




Protects equal access to medical and mental health services for gay and transgender people




Protects gay and transgender people from being denied a place to live because of their sexual orientation or gender identity




Requires public schools to adopt a national anti-bullying policy that includes preventing bullying and harassment based on someone's sexual orientation or gender identity




Bans federally-funded programs from denying access to services based on someone's sexual orientation or gender identity




Bans federally funded religious schools or daycare centers from discriminating against children based on their parents' sexual orientation or gender identity




Bans businesses from denying services based on a customer's sexual orientation or gender identity




Ensures federal funding for both LGBTQ and religious adoption and foster-care providers




Protects exemptions for religious organizations so that they are able to continue to use their own standards when it comes to employment, housing, and the services they provide





  • Protecting all Americans from discrimination is seen as a high priority for Congress, even more important than dealing with COVID. About two-thirds of voters say that “protecting all Americans from discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious preference” should be a very important priority for Congress to address (65%), putting it ahead of “getting the coronavirus pandemic under control” (56%).


  • Voters are more likely to support their U.S. Senator if they take on a leadership role to pass a bipartisan compromise to protect gay and transgender rights. Taking this action would make voters more likely to support their Senator by a 14-point margin (38% more likely to vote for them / 24% less).


  • Most Arizona voters are not familiar with the Equality Act. Just 14% of voters have heard “a lot” about the bill and a majority has not heard much about it (50% have heard “not too much” + “nothing”), demonstrating that more needs to be done to raise awareness. A plurality of voters (21%) had heard mixed, both positive and negative, messages about the Equality Act. 


  • Arizona Voters are more likely to support a federal law protecting LGBT rights if it is bipartisan. By a more than two to one margin (24% to 10%), voters said they were more likely to support a bill to protect gay and transgender rights knowing it “was written and proposed by both Democratic and Republican U.S. Senators.”  


  • After hearing the individual LGBT protections contained in it, Arizona voters support the Equality Act. A strong majority of 59% support passing the bill, with just 28% opposed to it. Intense support for the bill is also high, with 45% strongly supporting it, 17 points above the total share opposed to it. Support is near-unanimous among Democrats (93%), and Independents also support passing the Equality Act by a greater than 2:1 margin (56% support / 27% oppose). Strong majorities of white (58%) and Latinx (69%) voters also support the bill, with majority support spanning age, gender, and educational attainment lines as well.


These findings are based on the results of a bilingual telephone and text-to-web survey conducted by ALG Research from October 26 – November 1, 2021 among N=600 likely 2022 GE voters in Arizona. 75% of interviews were conducted via cell phones, while the remaining 25% were conducted using landlines. The margin of error for the full sample is +/- 4.0% at the 95% level of confidence. The margin of error for subgroups varies and is higher.